Last wednesday night, Allison had a wonderful devo for the CLC kids and it has been on my mind for the past few days and I have sang it several times over as a reminder that I am a Promise and God does have my best interests at heart, even though my heart might get broken (which it did this past week) but I have to trust God and have faith that he does see the bigger picture and he does know what is best for this moment in time. We fly thru life sometimes without a care in the world and then we are hit with something, it sometimes stops us right where we stand, that is where faith and trust come in.
Here is a words to the little song:
I am a promise
I am a possibility
I am a promise with a capital "P"
I am a great big bundle of potentiality
And I am learning to hear God's voice
And I am trying to make the right choice
I am a promise to be anything God wants me to be.
I can go anywhere that He wants me to go
I can be anything he wants me to be
I can climb the high mountains
I can cross the wide sea
I'm a great big promise you see!!
Memorize this song, when your day is bad, when work stinks, when people disappoint, the list goes on and on, sing this song and really hear the words, you will be amazed at how it might just help!!!